Friday, May 22, 2009

There are many alternatives of polythene bags

Not Each any every advantageous application of polythene bag can be replaced with cotton bags, but our way of using things can reduce the usage of polythene bags

Alternatives of Polythene products

=> Shopping
keep in mind that when you are going out for purchasing something, u need to have something to carry them.
So, take a good colourful cotton/cloth bag with u and put all ur stuff in it.
Having a colourful bag with u will add charm to your appearence.

=> Food items
For Food items especially pack them in paper or foils. If u r going out only for purchasing food items take a tiffin box or a hot pack with u if possible.

* Due to heat in food items, polythene covers melt and poisonous chemicals get mixed with food - a kind of food poisoning.

=> Milk packets
Milk can be given in bottles instead of polythene covers. But in our country INDIA, due to heavy population, maintanance of bottles is impractical.
*Instead, the milk covers can be recycled and put to some other useful applications( this is not in our hands. lets hope for the best).

=> Disposable plates and glasses
In the past five years disposable plates and glasses have replaced our traditional banana tree leaves (used for having food) and our metal glasses. In Functions especially large amounts of disposables are being used. Just think of the amount of waste after a function. In olden days people used to take their own glass and plate when they r out. we can't follow this heavy procedure now but we can use metal glasses and banana leaves.

> Avoid covers as far as possible while buying or carrying solid items. use cotton or cloth bags.
> For liquids use a bottle eventhough it is difficult
Think of the benefits that u get by avoiding polythene bags. your simple modifications in your way of life can make this planet a better place to live.


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